All over North America and Europe, a brand-new generation has taken up knitting - and is transforming the venerable needlecraft by blurring the boundary between craft and art. (...)
Five years ago, Sabina Gschwandter founded a zine to tackle the blurry edge between craft and fine art to chroncile the trend. Now, her book KnitKnit brings together profiles of 27 of the most talented artist-crafters knitting today. But KnitKnit does more than just document their ingenious creations. Each of the profiled knitters has contributed a project - a kimono-style sweater, a pair of high-heeled boots, a hobo-style shoulder bag, geodesic-patterned cap, even a teddy bear knit from fiberglass insulation - meant to inspire you and follow your creative path (text from book jacket)
The weblog we-make-money-not-art wrote a review.
Knit knit : profiles + projects from knitting´s new wave / Sabina Gschwandtner. - New York : Craft / a Melanie Falick Book, 2007. 173 p. : ill.
ISBN: 978-1-58479-631-2
1 opmerking:
I had never seen this book before (or heard of it) but then I saw it in the museum shop of the Textielmuseum and I immediately bought it. I think it's a great book, I love reading about all these different knitwear designers, what they do, how they started, etc. I think it's a great book, I'm glad I bought it.
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