When using digital knitting machines, each knitted stitch takes the same shape as pixel to create the pattern or motif. A lot of designers have been working with this parallel in their textile work, with examples ranging from Lendorff-Kaywa’s scarves with a scannable QR code embeded in them to entire music videos made frame by frame with hundreds of jacquard knitting, from the aptly named band Tricot Machine ( Machine knitting in French), which you can watch here:
Ebru Kurbak and Mahir Yavuz’project Newsknitter goes a step further, using not only pixel, but the constant flow of incoming digital headlines from around the world, to create “snapshot sweaters” of a particular day or portion of the day.
And finally a project I really like that combines knitting and blogging: Threadbared.com is a great and hilarious collection of vintage knitting patterns and garments from various knitting magazines, with witty comments to describe them. From the bizarre to the scary, with a lot of strange or unfortunate layouts, who knew the knitting world was so entertaining?
1 opmerking:
WHOWWW - geweldig!!!!
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